

聽過Bruno唱過英文情歌嗎? 這是他與光頭女歌星Kim Richardson所對唱的歌曲 

 in your eyes,但見兩人深情款款,手勢十足,令人陶醉其中


Oh, I see the light and the heat
In your eyes
Oh, I wanna be that complete
I wanna touch the light
The heat I see in your eyes

Oh, in your eyes
The light the heat
I am complete
I see the doorway of a thousand churches
The resolution of all my endless searches
Oh, I see the light and the heat

I wanna touch the light, the heat
I see in your eyes
In your eyes


    創作者 Jannet 小玲 的頭像
    Jannet 小玲

    Bruno Pelletier 加拿大魁北克金嗓子

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