
選錄自俄國女歌星Lisa Monde網站



A Talk with Bruno Pelletier  

Question: “Your very first song was called “Mon ange de la musique”, and it was dedicated to Bruno Pelletier, whom you had seen in the musical “Notre-Dame de Paris”. Did you keep vigilant watch on his carrier after that? Are his creative activities still interesting for you? Thank you very much for your songs! Your song “Mon ange de la musique” is beautiful and sincere, just as the person to whom it was dedicated!”

It is due to Tatiana, who has sent me this question, that I have now a possibility to start telling you about Bruno Pelletier, an artist, a singer and a musician, who I like so much. My very learning of him appeared to become a real starting point of my live in art. So, I quite sincerely believe him to be a godfather of my songs.

Surely, I just could not help getting interested with his art, like many others who had seen him performing the main part in musical Notre-Dame de Paris. I think I can boast of knowing him really well now. I have listened to all albums of him, viewed through all available video records of his concerts. I collected interviews, given by him to mass media, as well as articles about him, published in various newspapers and magazines.

When I got my own programme on “Govotit Moskva” radio station, telling about musicals, I used all these materials in my work of a radio journalist. They proved to be especially useful for my programmes, telling about such musicals as Starmania, The Legend of Jimmy, and Notre-Dame de Paris. By the way, after hearing his singing in my programme, many listeners would ring up to the radio station to ask me to tell more about him. They also inquired, where else one can hear his songs. People really cannot stay indifferent to his art! It is really a pity that Pelletier is not very well known in Russia.

I have always wanted to meet Bruno and have a talk with him. It was due to the new musical, called Dracula, that I got such an opportunity. The editorial board of my radio station sent me to Canada to visit the premiere of the performance, which was to take place on January 31, 2006. I went to Montréal, attended the first night of the musical, presented a bouquet of red roses to Bruno Pelletier, who played the part of Dracula, and was invited meet actors and producers of the musical the next day. With great excitement I waited for the moment when it would be possible to see the people whom I was to interview and who were to arrive soon to Saint Denis Theater. At last the moment came, and we talked a lot with Bruno about Dracula, as well as about the musician’s both nearest and remote plans for future. We even had some time to discuss my own works. I told him that I had dedicated a song of mine to him, called Mon ange de la musique. Bruno looked confused. He had never been presented songs, dedicated to him. He was really touched and wished he had only known about that before.

I plan to finish working on that interview very soon, and then you will be able to read it on this site. A part of it, presenting the discourse, concerning musical Dracula, will be also included into my radio programme, telling about that performance. It may be in the air even as soon as in the end of February.

When I asked Bruno about his plans for the future, he said that he doesn’t want to sing in musicals any more. Dracula is his last one. He is going to sing in it for two years, and then he will work on his albums. By the way, he plans to astonish his admirers by his next album, as it will be a jazz one!

As for my impressions, concerning the personality of Bruno Pelletier, I can tell you, that my recent personal meeting with him only proved once again that he is not only an excellent singer and musician, but also a very good man, indeed!

The following touching episode tells a lot about his humane qualities. When Claude Leveillee, a prominent Canadian composer and singer of 73 years old, had fallen seriously ill, Bruno became a sponsor and a producer of the composer’s album; he gathered several well-known Canadian singers, including Bruno himself, each of whom sang one song, composed by Leveillee. All the raised funds were used to pay for Claude Leveillee’s medical treatment.

Now, a song Pour quelques arpents de neige, sung by Bruno Pelletier, can be heard by everyone who would like to. This is his most recent record.

Bruno Pelletier的ㄧ場對話

提問: 在看過鐘樓怪人音樂劇之後.你的第一首歌曲 “Mon ange de la musique” (我的音樂天使)獻給了Bruno Pelletier 請問之後您是否仍注意他的演出活動? 而日後的這些創意的表演是否仍使你感到興趣?    謝謝你的歌曲 “mon ange de la musique” ,這首歌相當優美且衷心的,正如它所欲致意的人(Bruno Pelletier)ㄧ樣.

由於 Tatiana的提問,使我有此機會來談論到Bruno Pelletier,他是我相當喜愛的ㄧ位藝術家,歌者,音樂創作者.經由認識他後似乎也開啟了我生命中在藝術方面的興趣,所以我深信不疑他就是我的歌曲教父.(歌曲創作來源)

當然,像其它已看過他在鐘樓怪人的演出的歌迷ㄧ樣,我開始對他的相關作品感到興趣. 而現在已經可以誇耀對他瞭若指掌,不僅聽過所有專輯,看過演唱會的相關影帶,也收集廣播上的訪問,及許多報章雜誌上的文章報導等等不勝凡舉.

當我在 “Govotit Moskya”廣播電台有了自己節目後,關於音樂劇解說,我收集了在電台記者工作時所有的資料,這些為我的節目提供相當完整的訊息,因此得以談論有關於Sarmaina (星幻), The legend of Jimmy (吉米的傳奇),Notre dame de Paris(鐘樓怪人)等音樂劇. 也促使許多聽眾打電話給電台要求我談論更多Bruno事情.並詢問在何處可聽到他的歌曲. 人們真的對Bruno的藝術才華有了共同的認同,只可惜他在蘇聯並不相當有名.

我ㄧ直想要和Bruno會面並與其談話.  基於這部新的音樂劇 –Dracula(德古拉)使我有了這次機會.  我的電台編輯主管部門派遣我至加拿大訪問於2006131日的Dracula首演會. 我抵達蒙特婁並出席了第一場音樂劇晚會,帶了一束玫瑰花向劇中飾演Dracula伯爵的Bruno 致意,並受邀於隔日與劇中演員及製作人會面.  帶著萬分興奮等待這個時刻,我將有機會可以看到這些企盼訪問且準備於Saint Denis劇場表演的人員.!!   終於這個時刻到來,我與Bruno談論許多Dracula話題,及此音樂家近期及遠期的規劃. 並提到我的工作.藉此告知我作了ㄧ首曲子“mon ange de la musique”獻給他. Bruno看起來有些疑惑,因為他從未聽過別人為其所做的曲子,而他也相當感動但願能早先知道.

我計畫能儘早完成此訪問工作,這樣大家就能在此網站上瞭解相關訊息. 如此可見,提供此次Draula音樂劇演出的談話也將會包含在我的廣播節目中,最快大約於二月底播放.

當我詢問Bruno未來計畫時,他說不要再演唱音樂劇了,Dracula將會是最後一次(真的嗎?) 大約兩年的舞台演唱後,他將投入專輯工作中,除此之外,他的下張專輯也將讓歌迷驚訝—-爵士曲風專輯.


接下來讓人感動的事情是談論到Bruno的人道特質. Claus Leveilee這位73歲的著名的加拿大作家兼演唱者,近期身患重症時,Bruno即擔任發行紀念專輯的贊助者及製作人,他集合許多加拿大著名歌手包括Bruno本身,每人各唱一首由Leveille所作的曲子,並將所有籌募的基金作為Claus的醫藥治療費用.

現在,這首Bruno為Claus獻唱的曲子 Pour quelques Arpents de neige (幾英畝雪地),也將讓每位聽者愛上這首歌.


Lisa Monde



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